Numerology Classes
[Last updated: 18-February-2024]
I have taught many people Numerology at both Basic and Advanced levels, over the last 25 years.
Numerology can help you fine tune many things:
- understand yourself and your destiny
- find where you are currently at
- help explain why you react in certain circumstances
- help explain why you have more conflict with some members of the family than others
- what sort of work you would most enjoy, and much more.
I offer THREE different Introductory Classes to help you learn about Numerology, depending on what is best for you.
- A full day class, in person, at a private location in Sheffield, Tasmania, maximum 6 persons, $325;
- A seven-week class by phone, usually a week-day evening, maximum of 6 persons, (see below);
- A 2-hour class on Basic Numerology and Cards together, can be either in person, or by phone, $99
A 4-week Advanced Course follows for those who complete the Introductions, and a Certificate will be issued on completion of this Course.
Each Lesson is recorded and can be sent to you via the Telegram private and secure App only, together with access to a private Facebook Numerology support group.
The cost of the 7-week Basic Class is $325 if paid in advance. Alternatively, a Pay-as-You-Go option is available for $50 per week (total $350). Both options include the opportunity to book a Training Reading at half-price, which is available after week 6.
- To book any of the above Numerology Classes, or to book a one-hour Numerology Reading either in person or by phone, please contact me, or call me on +61418-449-045.