

         Why Pure, Clean Water?

[Last updated 25-Sep-2019]

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Water is the essence of all life.
Without clean water, we degenerate and die.

For my first 15 years, I grew up on a dairy farm with tank water, swam in the local streams, and rarely drank town water.  Then I moved to town, and that is when my health issues started to show up.

I discovered that the Town Water I was drinking contained many chemicals, the most prevalent of which were chlorine and fluoride.  I was told by my school, my doctor and my dentist that chlorine was an essential antibacterial agent, and Fluoride protected my teeth.

Really? and this was after I had all my teeth removed at age 5?  I wondered what their agenda was.  My research on my health issues showed me what that was, and made me committed to drink only 100% clean, pure water for the rest of my life.

My clean water today comes from my own Stefani reverse-osmosis unit, which is available at Bunnings stores in Australia.  When I’m away from home, I drink only Pureau water, available at Woolworths and Coles in Australia, or Refresh Pure Water.  Both are 100% clean water with everything removed and nothing added.  The ph value for both of these is around 6.5.   Note: critics of reverse-osmosis water and steam distillation are often those who promote alkaline waters.  See Section below on Alkaline Water.

Here is what committed me to 100% clean water:

Town Water:  By chance, I met someone who had been involved with a University study of domestic water from more than 200 towns around Australia, analysed with a mass spectrometer.  It showed the average town reticulated water contained more than 40 toxic elements, with the worst measuring in excess of 200 toxic elements.  Predominant were inorganic minerals, heavy metals and many synthetic chemicals apart from chlorine and fluoride.

Tank Water (from rainwater):  Also analysed were samples of tank water from several Australian states, which showed an average of more than 30 toxic elements, including inorganic minerals, synthetic chemicals and toxic organic materials such as bird and animal excrement, bacteria and mould.

Ground Water:   Subterranean water should always be tested before drinking, as it may contain inorganic minerals, heavy metals, animal faeces and urine, dangerous farm spray chemicals, bacteria, mould and be highly saline.  A superior filtration to 0.05 micron may remove many of these.

Spring Water:   Bottled Spring waters are available from many shops in Australia.  Analysis of spring waters shows that many of the minerals are inorganic.  Our body can absorb organic minerals, but not inorganic minerals which can clog up arteries and veins in the body, causing a variety of health problems.

Bottled water:   I discovered two issues with bottled water available in supermarkets and shops:   The first is the quality of the water in the bottle and the second is where the plastic bottle is made.

  • Water quality.  A study by Fairfax Media in 2016 found that water from a reputable source was found to be tap water.  When asked, the Manager commented; “The water is basically free, so I see it as just selling plastic bottles. People want convenience.  In Australia, more than 85% of all bottled water is produced by Coca-Cola Amatil (51%) and Asahi Holdings Ltd. (35%), using plastic bottles not manufactured in Australia.
  • The plastic bottle.  Recent research has shown a high level of microplastics in bottled water around the world.  Plastic water bottles made in Australia generally do not leach harmful chemicals or microplastics into the water.  I now use glass bottles, to not add to the worldwide plastics problem.

Water Filtration:  Basic Water filters are available in most supermarkets, hardware stores and camping shops.  Look for the filter size.  Any filter above 0.2 micron removes solids from water but not heavy metals, chemicals, fungi, viruses, bacteria or other pathogens.  The majority of water filters sold in Australia have filters larger than 0.2 microns, and are therefore effectively useless.   There are only two ways that I know of to guarantee removal of chlorine, fluoride, all synthetic chemicals, fungi, viruses and bacteria from water:  steam distillation or a reverse-osmosis filter.  Despite what you may have read or been told, boiling your water makes very little difference.

The Truth about Fluoride:   Fluoride is officially classified as “safe for human consumption” by the Australian Department of Health.  However, the reality is anything but thatFluoride being added to public water supplies is “government-mandated medication” – the same as Folic Acid is in bread-making flour. 

Studies are now being published showing the devastating effects of Fluoride on our health, and more Countries are BANNING it.  Please click here to see why it is being added to our water, and why the world is Revolting Against Fluoride.

Alkaline Water.   Despite the marketing hype, “akaline water” and/or “ionised water” have no scientific benefits to human health.   Please watch this doctor talk, and read the document below the video and then you can make an informed choice.



Ionised Water


Clean Water is the essence of life.  Without Clean Water, we degenerate and die.


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