Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness


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< Back Gut Health Body-Mind Alkaline / Acidic Clean Water
Miessence Certified Organic Healthy Skin About Detoxing About Fasting
Stuff To Avoid Fragrance Fluoride Radiation & EMF's Quantum Healing Energy

[Last updated: 23-May-2020]

I am a walking testimony to what is written in this website. It is my first “book”, written to share how I healed myself of chronic illnesses and became super-healthy.

Do you get regular colds and flu’s, tiredness, fatigue, pain? Why would you want to endure the misery of sickness, illness, chronic and debilitating conditions, pain and diseases, when they can all be eliminated over time by doing what it takes to rejuvenate and strengthen our immune system.

Health and Wellness is not just about fitness. It is about removing as much as possible the toxic chemicals that we use everyday in everything we eat and use. It is about protecting ourselves from harmful Radiation caused by our wireless devices. It is about clearing our Mind of the toxic thoughts, emotions, opinions, perspectives and beliefs we hold onto.

The Links and Information on this Page will help you get your life back. Click or Tap on a Button (above) or a Blue Link (below) to Read about:

You have just learned more from the above links than many doctors and nutritionists know about the relationship between the Mind, Diet and Wellness.

Having good health is a choice you make. Please browse our Library to learn more.

If you find this website helps you, please share it with those it may help.

L Jo 🙂

< Back Gut Health Body-Mind Alkaline / Acidic Clean Water
Miessence Certified Organic Healthy Skin About Detoxing About Fasting
Stuff To Avoid Fragrance Fluoride Radiation & EMF's Natures Frequencies

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